This Civil War publication includes letters from James Gildea written to the former General James Barnett in response to his request for company histories. James Gildea was born in Port New Parish, Ireland, in 1835 and lived in various Ohio cities after immigration before settling in Portsmouth, Ohio.
Comprised mostly of men from the Toledo and Marietta, Ohio, area and mustered in at Camp Dennison, this unit fought battles at Kernstown, Port Republic, Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, Cold Harbor, and Petersburg. They were mustered out in Cleveland, Ohio.
Most of the men in this unit, the original Persimmon Regiment, were recruited from Butler, Montgomery, Warren, and Preble counties. The reader will learn a little about the settlement of the area and follow along with the soldiers on the fringes of the war before proving to be the best of combat soldiers in the Army of the Cumberland's two battles for Chattanooga, Tennessee. You will read about the soldiers' personal experiences with harsh conditions, enemy soldiers, Southern hostility, and escaped slaves and begin to feel what it was like to spend three years in the middle of America's most terrible war. The author has had a lifelong interest in history and developed a strong fascination with the Civil War after digging for relics in the fields around Murfreesboro, Tennessee. He is a member of the Butler County Historical Society and a former docent at the Butler County Museum. Mr. Fugitt is currently serving as a member of the Butler County, Ohio, Civil War Sesquicentennial Committee and is helping to develop the Butler County Civil War 150 Web site.
The Thirty-third fought disease, capture, and heavy casualties in many notable Civil War battles before heroically volunteering to reenlist to answer the call of President Lincoln. They fought in battles of Chaplin Hills, Stones River, Hoovers Gap, Chickamauga, Lookout Mountain, Mission Ridge, Atlanta, Savannah, Averasbora, Bentonville, and Raleigh. The story is told through the letters to wives, sisters, and other family members in an engaging style that will personalize the experiences of the war.Winner of the 2008 (?) OGS Oliver Hazard Perry Award for an Ohio-related military historical record.
George Butler Turner was born in New London, Connecticut, in 1840 and immigrated to Ohio with his family. He graduated at the top of his class from Marietta College, an extension of the Muskingum Academy founded in 1797, the first school of higher learning in the Northwest Territory. Turner enlisted in the 92nd OVI. He wrote with clarity and detail of his individual actions, daily events, military objectives, and geography of the land. The ninety-eight letters revealed in this publication will take you through his military career as he fought in three major battles--Chickamauga, Chattanooga, and Missionary Ridge.
Through the letters of Adams County, Ohio, native Lt. Col. Benjamin Franklin Coates, the author brings to life and chronicles the day-to-day events of the movement of this Southern Ohio regiment. Seventy-four percent of the men in this company were born in Ohio. Others listed their places of birth as Pennsylvania, Virginia, New York, Vermont, Maryland, Tennessee, Kentucky, and Indiana as well as Germany, England, Ireland, and France.Winner of the 2007 OGS Oliver Hazard Perry Award for an Ohio-related military historical record.
This publication describes the heroic lives of the women who were caught up in the American Civil War and the obstacles they had to overcome with intelligence, style, and dignity as they became an important part of this conflict.
One of the least understood or studied campaigns of the war occurred when the Army of the Ohio moved into East Tennessee. Both armies starved. Arguably more than any other soldiers of the war, with the exception of P.O.W.s., the Second Army of the Ohio has also been ignored in the Atlanta Campaign . Of the four armies that fought, only one never had its story told. This book corrects that historic injustice. When Sherman marched to the sea against minimal opposition, the Army of the Ohio fought and nearly destroyed the Confederate Army of Tennessee at Franklin. They helped finish them off at Nashville. Moving east, they attacked up the Cape Fear River, closing the confederates last port—Wilmington. They joined up again with Sherman and were in on the surrender of Johnson in the Carolinas. They deserved more attention than they got.
Michael J. Klinger is also the author of The History of the 118th Ohio Volunteer Infantry, XXIIIrd Corps: Where the Grim Cannon Frown and the Bayonets Gleam.
The first part of this book contains the translated and edited chapters from Gustav Tafel’s writings on the Cincinnati Germans in the Civil War. Tafel (1830-1908) helped organize the Cincinnati’s 9th Ohio Volunteer Infantry, known as the Turner Regiment, and later served as commander of the 106th OVI. After the Civil War he was elected to the Ohio House of Representatives and later served as mayor of Cincinnati.
The letters transcribed within this volume were written during the American Civil War by Capt. Asbury Gatch to his wife, Mary Etta Hopper Gatch. The span from February 1864 through the end of the war. These letters present the portrait of a man of honor and conviction from Milford, Ohio, who dearly loved his wife and family, who often dreamed of soft bread and porterhouse steaks, who gossiped about the home front, who criticized the stay-at-home "patriots," who derided the Southern aristocracy, and who wrote glowingly of his exploits at war. This revised edition includes new and expanded notes and more than seventy illustrations.
Treasured Memories is a narrative account based upon a collection of letters written by members of an extended family and brings to life the joys, the challenges, and the sorrows of everyday life during the crisis of war. These letters, written by Sgt. McLain Montgomery and others of the 33rd and 39th Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and by his brothers Del and Newton, from the 64th and 31st Illinois Infantry, were cherished and treasured by Sergeant Montgomery's Civil War widow, Mary Ann Montgomery, in her determination to keep the memory of her husband alive.
As the story of the American Civil War is now being told through the letters, diaries, and memoirs of those who served in the lower ranks, this engaging memoir, written by William James Smith to his children, is finally made available to the public. The experience that Smith relates is not only that of an Ohio private in a volunteer cavalry regiment of the Union army, but also one of a larger slice of the Civil War itself.