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reprintDate: 2007
Price: $35.00
An index of all property owner names, street names, and alley names found in a set of two atlases of Cincinnati, Ohio, published in 1895 and 1897. Together they cover the city’s basin area from the Ohio River north to Liberty Street, and from Freeman Avenue east to the base of Mount Adams. This area includes more than 400 city blocks containing 11,352 pieces of property. This atlas tells you the property owner name (each time it appears on the maps), the atlas in which it appeared, the page(s) where that street or alley name appears, and the streets that bordered that street. Some of these streets may not appear on any other map you have found. This index offers a quick way to determine if your family rented or owned property.
Price: $15.95
A superb guide to the who, what, when, and where for the German-American contributions to the Greater Cincinnati area. Areas covered include German music, eateries, bakeries, ice cream, and markets as well as German church services and other sources available to the resident and tourist alike.
Price: $43.00
Another important book in this series because this volume covers the years that immediately precede the last of the Hamilton County Courthouse fires in 1884.
Price: $12.95
This book will give you a glimpse into the life of the man born more than 200 years ago in Germany who changed the way the world looked at bridge building and will leave you with a greater appreciation of the Roebling Suspension Bridge and John A. Roebling himself. The reader will learn about the transformation of the John A. Roebling Suspension Bridge on the Ohio River—the prototype for the more famous Brooklyn Bridge in New York.
Price: $48.00
This publication is the fourth in the index series to baptism records for Hamilton County, Ohio, and contains more than 26,000 entries. The source for these records came from the Hamilton County, Ohio, church birth and baptism registers which were kept by the individual ministers for their particular churches.
Price: $39.50
This publication is the fifth in the above-mentioned index series to baptism records for Hamilton County, Ohio, and contains more than 20,000 entries. Most of these records were found on nearly 50 rolls of microfilm, records at the church, or can be found at the Public Library of Cincinnati and Hamilton County.