This chapter was extracted from Henry Howe’s Historical Collections of Ohio in Two Volumes. The Ohio Centennial Edition, 1896. The table of contents, index, and bibliography have been carefully created and are specific to this chapter and will aid the researcher to quickly find entries of interest.
This index includes Our Lady of Victory Catholic Churchyard gravestone readings, South Bend Baptist Churchyard records, Lee-Darby Family Cemetery records, Delphi Universalists Cemetery records, Shiloh Community Methodist Churchyard records, Schumann Family Cemetery, Shiloh Community Methodist Cemetery plat, St. John Protestant Churchyard gravestone readings, St. John Protestant Churchyard 1940 plot, Sisters of Charity Catholic Cemetery, and St. Joseph Cemetery of Mt. St. Joseph Convent, and Sisters of Charity 1940 Cemetery plat.
This is the third in this index series to baptism records and contains more than 23,300 baptisms that occurred in Hamilton County, Ohio, between 1870 and 1879. The mother’s maiden name is included if mentioned on the document.
More than 37,000 names are recorded in more than 18,500 marriages indexed in this book. The index includes the names of the grooms, brides, date of marriage, officiant, and volume and entry number of the entry to make it easier to locate the original document. These volumes are the first to records the original records beginning after the last courthouse fire in Cincinnati in 1884.
Mr. Graver and Ms. Mullen have indexed each landowner or renter, road, church, school, and many other places mentioned on these maps and created a tome for finding exactly where a person lived or place existed.