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Price: $18.95
Foreword by Gregory Hardman
Christian Moerlein was born in Truppach, Bavaria, in 1818. After working as a blacksmith apprentice he learned the trade of brewing from his uncle in Germany. In 1841 he immigrated to America and worked his way from his arrival point in Baltimore to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; Wheeling, (West) Virginia; and Portsmouth and Henricksburg, Ohio, before arriving in Cincinnati, Ohio. After many struggles, Moerlein built a brewing company that became an empire. By the time of his death in 1897, it had become the largest brewery in Ohio and one of the five largest in the United States. Although the Christian Moerlein Brewery did not survive Prohibition, the reputation of its founder has only increased in stature as Cincinnati's foremost Over-the-Rhine beer baron whose exceptional brews contributed greatly to Cincinnati's place in the annals of brewing history as a major brewing center. With no journals, letters, or papers left behind, Don Henrich Tolzmann has been able to weave together the life of this legendary brewer through the writings and translations of early biographers and historians with supplemental information on other notable beer barons in the Cincinnati area.
Price: $22.50
Cincinnati's Beer Barons in the Golden Age of Brewing is a companion volume to the author's other biographies of Christian Moerlein, George Wiedemann, and John Hauck. It includes brewers who met the criteria for the Beer Baron Hall of Fame in Cincinnati. For this book, the focus is on the most interesting and informative brewers of the pre-Prohibition period, such as Billiods, Boss, Bruckmann, Foss, Herancourt, Hudepohl, Jung, Kauffman, Klotter, Lackman, Schaller, Sohn, Varwig, Windisch, and Muhlhauser. According to George Engelhardt, by 1900, 22 breweries were in operation, employing a total of 2,000 workers with approximately 10,000 more in related industries.
Price: $25.00
This new paperback publication describes how Cincinnati, Ohio, came to be a German heritage center. It provides a comprehensive history of German immigration, settlement, and influences in the Greater Cincinnati area, from the late 18th century to the early 20th century.
Don Heinrich Tolzmann is the author and editor of numerous books on German-American history and culture. He has received many awards, including the German Federal Cross of Merit (Bundesverdienstkreuz), is listed in Who's Who in American, and serves as Book Review Editor for German Life Magazine.
Click here for the index.
Price: $15.95
A superb guide to the who, what, when, and where for the German-American contributions to the Greater Cincinnati area. Areas covered include German music, eateries, bakeries, ice cream, and markets as well as German church services and other sources available to the resident and tourist alike.
Price: $12.95
A timeline of events relating to the German immigration and settlement in Ohio, influential people and their contributions, current sites open to visitors for tours or reenactments, and a list of libraries and museums in the state that provide additional resources for research.
Price: $15.95
Amazing eyewitness accounts written by two women who, as children, suffered and witnessed horrific experiences during this tragic period of our history. Mary Schwandt-Schmidt and Wilhelmina “Minnie” Bruce Carrigan lived to tell their stories, as well as those of their family, friends, and neighbors in Renville County, Minnesota. An immediate result of the uprising was the flight of nearly 40,000 people from their homes. This uprising resulted in the loss of at least 800 lives. The index provides a wealth of names of the pioneers in the area. The editor hails from Renville County, where his German immigrant great-grandparents settled after the Civil War.
Price: $22.50
A collection of more than thirty essays that cover the German heritage from the arrival of the first Germans in America in the seventeenth century to the present and of places ranging from the Greater Cincinnati area and Hermann, Missouri, to New Ulm, Minnesota, among others. It also covers persons from H. L. Mencken and John A. Roebling to John Kay of the band Steppenwolf.
Price: $16.95
This publication explores the rich German heritage of Illinois from the early nineteenth century to the present in this first historical survey of the state’s German element.
Price: $12.95
This book will give you a glimpse into the life of the man born more than 200 years ago in Germany who changed the way the world looked at bridge building and will leave you with a greater appreciation of the Roebling Suspension Bridge and John A. Roebling himself. The reader will learn about the transformation of the John A. Roebling Suspension Bridge on the Ohio River—the prototype for the more famous Brooklyn Bridge in New York.
Price: $16.95
This third book in the history of beer barons in the Cincinnati, Ohio, area tells the story of one of the area's largest breweries. Located in the West End, on the other side of the Miami-Erie Canal bordering the Over-the-Rhine district, the Hauck Brewery was described as a castle, and its president as a "self-made man," and a beer baron. In addition to producing high quality brews, Hauck was president of the German National Bank and, for a time, an owner of the Cincinnati Reds. Well known for philanthropy, Hauck made a lasting contribution to the area by saving the Cincinnati Zoo from financial ruin. His son, Louis J. Hauck, ran the brewery until it closed as a result of Prohibition. However its reputation, and that of its founding father, acquired legendary status in the annals of Cincinnati's brewing heritage, as demonstrated by Hauck's induction into the Beer Baron Hall of Fame and Greater Cincinnati's Business Hall of Fame, showing that his legacy is alive and well as one of Cincinnati's foremost beer barons.
Price: $15.95
This history covers German-American immigration from the 19th century through its continued impact on the present. It explores the early German history of Missouri through the translated and edited writing of Gustav Koerner, learn about the German pioneers Gottfried Duden and Friedrich Muench through the writings of Dorris Keeven Franke and Siegmar Muehl, and read the words to the Catawba Wine Song and Wine Song by Friedrich Muench.
Price: $25.00
List Price: $34.95
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A history and chronology of New Ulm during the nineteenth century, including a comprehensive name index that includes thousands of names, businesses, cities, and events along with a selective bibliography of sources on the history of New Ulm. The Cincinnati German Turner Society and the Chicago German Land Society encouraged its members to settle in New Ulm, therefore, there are many references to Cincinnati, Chicago, and their residents in this publication.
Price: $25.00
It is reported that the men cleared the land for this church and the women and local bakers baked the bricks in their ovens. This beautiful history relates the beginning of Catholicism in Cincinnati and follows the changes and progression of this historic German parish in the Over-the-Rhine district as it continues to meet the needs of its neighbors and parishioners. Included is a biographical sketch of each pastor who has served the parish up to 2002, a biographical sketch of each of the priest-parish sons, names of the sisters and brothers who served the school, organizations and their members in 1942 and 2002, and much more information. There is also a chapter on the history of St. Paul’s Church.
Price: $22.50
The German-American architectural heritage is more clearly and strongly reflected in the Over-the-Rhine district than in any place in the city. Even its name connotes its origin. The Miami-Erie Canal, now covered by Central Parkway, was dubbed the "Rhine" in the nineteenth century, as when one crossed over it, one entered the German district. A walking tour through the district and its surroundings reveal a treasure trove of German architectural heritage. This publication supplements the tours that Don Henrich Tolzmann regularly leads through this area of Cincinnati.
Foreword by Gregory Hardman
Introduction by Michael Morgan
Click here to visit the Tour Site.
Price: $16.95
The first part of this book contains the translated and edited chapters from Gustav Tafel’s writings on the Cincinnati Germans in the Civil War. Tafel (1830-1908) helped organize the Cincinnati’s 9th Ohio Volunteer Infantry, known as the Turner Regiment, and later served as commander of the 106th OVI. After the Civil War he was elected to the Ohio House of Representatives and later served as mayor of Cincinnati.
Price: $12.95
E. F. Farrington (1820-1898) served as master carpenter for the building of the John A. Roebling Suspension Bridge on the Ohio River, and published a little-known description of it in 1867. His report provides the fascinating details on the construction of the bridge, covering a wide variety of details, including the anchorages, towers, and cables. This new edition of his work contains a foreword by Paul A. Tenkotte, and an introduction to the life and work of Farrington by Don Heinrich Tolzmann. Supplements have also been added to place Farrington's work in historical context.
Price: $22.50
This is a historical novel that illustrates and illuminates the German-American heritage. An important historical novel by a woman who, as a young girl, lived in the area dubbed Wooden Shoe Hollow—an area populated by German-born vegetable growers called truck farmers. The story takes place around the turn of the twentieth century and characterizes the people who lived in the area and describes real places and events—a wonderful book for anyone who is trying to learn of the German-American experience.