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Price: $19.95
In this historical novel, the Ku Klux Klan thought the town of Donegal, Indiana, would be the perfect place to organize a new chapter. They intended to run out the blacks, Jews, Irish, Catholics, and immigrants so they could gain economic control of the area. What the Klan did not count on was the determination of an Irish Catholic baker who was determined to save his town. Historical facts are skillfully woven into this absorbing story of conflict that pits former good friends, neighbors, and customers against one another while struggling with a declining business environment, family issues, and religious tenets. When the author found proof that his family legend was true, he created the fictional town of Donegal to illustrate the conflict that America went through during the early part of the last century. His research uncovered evidence of Klan actions described in this story, though they may not have occurred specifically in Indiana.
Price: $32.50
Most of the men in this unit, the original Persimmon Regiment, were recruited from Butler, Montgomery, Warren, and Preble counties. The reader will learn a little about the settlement of the area and follow along with the soldiers on the fringes of the war before proving to be the best of combat soldiers in the Army of the Cumberland's two battles for Chattanooga, Tennessee. You will read about the soldiers' personal experiences with harsh conditions, enemy soldiers, Southern hostility, and escaped slaves and begin to feel what it was like to spend three years in the middle of America's most terrible war. The author has had a lifelong interest in history and developed a strong fascination with the Civil War after digging for relics in the fields around Murfreesboro, Tennessee. He is a member of the Butler County Historical Society and a former docent at the Butler County Museum. Mr. Fugitt is currently serving as a member of the Butler County, Ohio, Civil War Sesquicentennial Committee and is helping to develop the Butler County Civil War 150 Web site.
Click here for an index
Price: $12.95
Portsmouth, Ohio, native Margaret Russell uses the Japanese verse form of haiku to convey emotions steeped in mystery and romance.
Price: $22.50
A newspaper reporter once wrote that Clermont County's involvement in the Underground Railroad was like a "hole in the map," meaning that the story of this county's involvement was largely untold. Gary Knepp has plugged that hole with this book. It will make the reader want to follow the Clermont County Freedom Trail. Gary Knepp was the director of the Clermont County Underground Railroad Research Project and, in 2005, appeared as a guest historian on the PBS television program, History Detectives.
See the index here.
Price: $15.95
A superb guide to the who, what, when, and where for the German-American contributions to the Greater Cincinnati area. Areas covered include German music, eateries, bakeries, ice cream, and markets as well as German church services and other sources available to the resident and tourist alike.
Price: $12.95
A timeline of events relating to the German immigration and settlement in Ohio, influential people and their contributions, current sites open to visitors for tours or reenactments, and a list of libraries and museums in the state that provide additional resources for research.
Price: $15.95
Amazing eyewitness accounts written by two women who, as children, suffered and witnessed horrific experiences during this tragic period of our history. Mary Schwandt-Schmidt and Wilhelmina “Minnie” Bruce Carrigan lived to tell their stories, as well as those of their family, friends, and neighbors in Renville County, Minnesota. An immediate result of the uprising was the flight of nearly 40,000 people from their homes. This uprising resulted in the loss of at least 800 lives. The index provides a wealth of names of the pioneers in the area. The editor hails from Renville County, where his German immigrant great-grandparents settled after the Civil War.
Price: $22.50
A collection of more than thirty essays that cover the German heritage from the arrival of the first Germans in America in the seventeenth century to the present and of places ranging from the Greater Cincinnati area and Hermann, Missouri, to New Ulm, Minnesota, among others. It also covers persons from H. L. Mencken and John A. Roebling to John Kay of the band Steppenwolf.
Price: $22.50
Explore the Buckeye State’s folklore, towns, and people—a snapshot of Buckeye life, past and present. Learn about the frontier legend Gen. "Mad” Anthony Wayne; nitro shooters, tattooed chickens, and moonshiners; the phenomenon of Eugene, Sabina’s cadaver-in-residence; the glory years of Indian Lake; and, of course, quintessential ghost towns named Sodom, Knockemstiff, Rural, Mudsock, San Toy, and Dull. Described as a love song to Ohio, this publication is a key to a time long past, when places like Whigville, Tunnel, and Toots Corner ruled the day.
Click here for an index
Price: $28.00
Safe houses, trustworthy individuals, pathways, abandoned shelters, and unattended skiffs--these were crucial pieces of information that were spread, through word or song, from plantation to plantation, by way of the "grapevine." Throughout the Borderlands, this communication would help the slave to find freedom, by way of the Underground Railroad. The conductors and abolitionists on both sides of the Ohio River--consisting of slaves, free men of color, white and black residents, religious men, and other sympathetic citizens--were likely to suffer bodily inflictions, imprisionment, and monetary loss for aiding these fugitives in their flight from slavery and quest for freedom. Caroline Miller skillfully relates their stories through interviews, newspaper accounts, court cases, government records, and other published and unpublished accounts, so that these times, and these people are not forgotten.
See the index here.
Price: $39.50
The church burial records found in this publication, extracted from 48 sources, provide help in filling the gap left by Hamilton County, Ohio’s many courthouse fires. For this volume, nearly 20,000 names are indexed and alphabetically arranged from 48 church records and religious publications. When given, parents’ names, burial dates, death dates, ages, and maiden names are listed. Maiden names are alphabetized in a separate section for cross-reference. This series is meant to be used as a supplement to the cemetery records found in the Hamilton County Burial Records series and the obituaries found in the Cincinnati newspapers.
Price: $24.50
This publication includes more than 12,000 names alphabetically arranged by section from morgue records that include burials that took place, among other cemeteries, in Potter’s Field, a burial ground reserved for strangers and the friendless poor. The people who died and were buried here were likely to have died unexpectedly, were indigent, or without guardianship. Unless claimed by relatives, all bodies from the various public institutions were interred here. In 1981, the use of this cemetery was discontinued and burials were contracted with funeral directors for indigent burials in private cemeteries.
Price: $32.50
The Walnut Hills United Jewish Cemetery is one of the five active locations comprising the United Jewish Cemeteries. Information contained for the individuals within this index includes, if available: date of birth; date of death; name of spouse/parents; place of birth; and location of grave in cemetery; in addition to other information when given.
Price: $135.00
This cemetery has grown from five acres in 1843 to more than seventy acres at present. African-Americans have been buried in this cemetery since the late 1950s. The information in this volume was extracted from the cemetery file cards and cross-checked with those in the lot books. No gravestone inscriptions were recorded. Fifty-seven maps are included for ease in locating the burial site. Information in this volume includes the following, when given: name; age at time of death; marital status; death; burial location; birth date and place; residence at time of death; name of spouse; parents; nearest relative and relationship with an address (if other than Hamilton County, Ohio); notes relating to veteran information through WWI, additional marital information, names of relatives, additional burial notes relating to burial movement, among other information.
Price: $22.50
This index includes Our Lady of Victory Catholic Churchyard gravestone readings, South Bend Baptist Churchyard records, Lee-Darby Family Cemetery records, Delphi Universalists Cemetery records, Shiloh Community Methodist Churchyard records, Schumann Family Cemetery, Shiloh Community Methodist Cemetery plat, St. John Protestant Churchyard gravestone readings, St. John Protestant Churchyard 1940 plot, Sisters of Charity Catholic Cemetery, and St. Joseph Cemetery of Mt. St. Joseph Convent, and Sisters of Charity 1940 Cemetery plat.
Price: $79.00
This index contains more than 30,000 burials that took place in New St. Joseph Cemetery, also known as St. Joseph Irish Cemetery, between January 1850 and December 1894. The names were taken from microfilm copies of the original records. Also included are lists of LDS film numbers; original lot owners; and priests serving Irish parishes in or near Hamilton County, Ohio.
Price: $28.00
Old St. Joseph Cemetery was established in 1843 as a burial ground for Roman Catholics in Cincinnati, Ohio. Record books are still in existence begin in the year 1845. This index contains names of more than 13,000 Old St. Joseph Cemetery burials that took place before 1880. Maps of cemetery sections are also included.
Price: $55.00
This is the 20th volume in the Church Burial Records series. The index contains names of more than 28,500 burials which occurred before 1880. The records were abstracted from the old record books that began in 1849 and were written in German using the old German script. This, coupled with the fact that the books are very old, faded, and falling apart, makes using them for family history research very difficult.
Price: $15.00
This is the latest edition of the Hamilton County cemetery series. It contains readings and extractions from cemeteries located in Symmes Township in the northeastern portion of Hamilton County. The main index includes names of persons buried in Union, Kerr, and Camp Dennison (Waldschmidt) Cemeteries. Included in the introduction are names of persons buried in private cemeteries in Symmes Township. These include Bell Cemetery, the Bridal Path Burial Site, the Evergreen Cemetery (Buckingham family burials), and Spooky Hollow Cemetery (Rude family).
Price: $56.00
The names extracted from church burial records for this publication came from more than 25,000 death records from nearly 70 churches of various denominations.
Price: $56.00
The names extracted from church burial records for this publication came from more than 25,000 death records from nearly 70 churches of various denominations.
Price: $69.50
This volume includes names from 82 churches (Catholic included) and more than 29,000 entries.
Price: $29.50
An essential guide to help researchers navigate the complexities of the books found in the Hamilton County, Ohio, Recorder’s Office. This book explains what indexes exist, where they are available, formats that were used, years that were indexed, examples of indexes, and samples of documents. More than twenty different types of documents are explained.
Price: $32.50
This book indexes more than 12,000 names found in the documents of the Hamilton County, Ohio, Recorder’s deed books F1, F2, O, and P.Because some documents were not recorded until years after they were written, these books contain entries dated as early as 1788. More than 4,500 of the names are from documents written in the periods from 1788-1803 and 1807-1813.
This book is a valuable Hamilton County, Ohio, resource as it is the only name index that exists for these books. This index is especially helpful in finding early families as there were no city or county directories during these years. More than 5,500 entries tell where the person lived and more than 2,400 names pair husbands and wives.
Price: $22.50
This work is a combination of five separate German resources for Hamilton County researchers that have been previously not extensively used. The first section contains membership lists for the Cincinnati Turner Society, which includes member's date and place of birth. The second is a descriptive roster of members of the Civil War Ninth Ohio Volunteer Infantry Regiment, which consisted almost entirely of Hamilton County German immigrants, and lists their date and place of birth, as well as a physical description of each soldier. The last three resources are histories of Cincinnati and Hamilton County published in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries in German, and focus on the early pioneers in this area and their contribution to building the city. Most contain short biographies of the person along with their date and place of birth in Germany.
Hamilton County, Ohio, Index of People, Roads, Churches, etc., on 1835, 1847, 1848, 1869, and 1884 Maps & Atlases
Price: $80.00
Mr. Graver and Ms. Mullen have indexed each landowner or renter, road, church, school, and many other places mentioned on these maps and created a tome for finding exactly where a person lived or place existed.