
Cincinnati's Beer Barons in the Golden Age of Brewing

SKU: 3208
Cincinnati's Beer Barons in the Golden Age of Brewing is a companion volume to the author's other biographies of Christian Moerlein, George Wiedemann, and John Hauck. It includes brewers who met the criteria for the Beer Baron Hall of Fame in Cincinnati. For this book, the focus is on the most interesting and informative brewers of the pre-Prohibition period, such as Billiods, Boss, Bruckmann, Foss, Herancourt, Hudepohl, Jung, Kauffman, Klotter, Lackman, Schaller, Sohn, Varwig, Windisch, and Muhlhauser. According to George Engelhardt, by 1900, 22 breweries were in operation, employing a total of 2,000 workers with approximately 10,000 more in related industries.
Author/Editor: Don Heinrich Tolzmann
Price: $22.50
Cincinnati's Beer Barons in the Golden Age of Brewing
Cincinnati's Beer Barons in the Golden Age of Brewing
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