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Price: $20.00
This chapter was extracted from Henry Howe’s Historical Collections of Ohio in Two Volumes. The Ohio Centennial Edition, 1896. The table of contents, index, and bibliography have been carefully created and are specific to this chapter and will aid the researcher to quickly find entries of interest.
Price: $45.00
The Thirty-third fought disease, capture, and heavy casualties in many notable Civil War battles before heroically volunteering to reenlist to answer the call of President Lincoln. They fought in battles of Chaplin Hills, Stones River, Hoovers Gap, Chickamauga, Lookout Mountain, Mission Ridge, Atlanta, Savannah, Averasbora, Bentonville, and Raleigh. The story is told through the letters to wives, sisters, and other family members in an engaging style that will personalize the experiences of the war.Winner of the 2008 (?) OGS Oliver Hazard Perry Award for an Ohio-related military historical record.
Price: $70.00
Topics include settlements, towns and villages; schools and education; waterways to the west and south; general topics; courthouse records; military history;prominent persons; family histories; churches and religion; cemeteries and obituaries; and minor indexes that include membership rosters from servicemen, tax lists, schools, churches, cooking clubs, and telephone directories.
Price: $30.00
This publication contains county histories for Athens, Hocking and Vinton counties with a new 200-page index, together with sketches of its cities, villages, and townships, educational, religious, civil, military, and political history, portraits and biographies of prominent persons, and biographies of representative citizens.
Price: $28.00
Firefighting has been in David Fannin's family for many generations and he felt it was time to compile all the information from previous small histories, newspaper accounts, council minutes, ledgers, and other books to provide a history of the fire companies in this historic town in Scioto County at the confluence of the Scioto and Ohio Rivers. Many years went into his preparation for this much-welcomed early history of fire fighting in Portsmouth, Ohio.

 Click here for an index

Price: $18.95
Howard Gieringer comes from a family of entrepreneurs, beginning with his German-immigrant grandfather, his father and he continued to be part of the business community that served Miamitown, Ohio, located on the banks of the Great Miami River. His reminiscences about the businesses, the people, and the historic events of this small village on the West side of Cincinnati are both informative and entertaining. The location of this town offered opportunities for fishing and gold—both pastimes that ultimately led to many adventures around the globe, well up into his later years. The map of Miamitown, with a key to the various places mentioned in the book, allows the reader to feel as though he is right in the middle of each story.

Click here for the index
Price: $6.99
A delightful little book from the journal written by a young boy who documented the first eight weeks watching his aunt's little Dalmatian puppies grow. From the preparations made for their birth throughout their first weeks of life. Perfect for any young person who loves puppies and watching them grow and develop during each week of their early lives.
Price: $16.95
This publication explores the rich German heritage of Illinois from the early nineteenth century to the present in this first historical survey of the state’s German element.
Price: $39.95
This publication contains biographical information about 524 of the men who served our country in such a way that the U.S. military memorialized their names on the gates of their installations, both here in the United States and abroad. All branches of the service are included.
Price: $45.00
This new index is sure to be of benefit to the researcher working on early Hamilton County ancestors, as well as those living in the surrounding counties. While the Cincinnati Enquirer formally started publication until its present title in 1841, its predecessor began in 1818 as the Cincinnati Advertiser, and contains valuable information for early settlers in the entire region. This index contains death notices, obituaries, marriage notices, and other miscellaneous notices. The last category includes divorce and abandonment notices, notices for lost horses and cows, notices for runaway apprentices, and even notices of bankruptcies.
Price: $39.00
The Cincinnati Volksfreund was a German-language newspaper published in the 1800s and early 1900s. The index of death notices in this publication includes the name of deceased, date of notice, date of death, age of deceased and maiden names when provided. The maiden names are also provided in alphabetical order in the back of the book.
Price: $46.00
This series of indexes to the death records recorded in the City of Cincinnati, Ohio, were extracted from the original records stored at the Archives and Rare Books Department, in the Carl Blegen Library at the University of Cincinnati. These publications contain information on how to obtain copies of the original records, the ethnicity and religious affiliations of those interred in specific cemeteries, hints on locating the correct cemetery in Cincinnati, Hamilton, Butler, and Clermont Counties, Ohio, and Northern Kentucky. Also included are burial statistics relating to the nativity of the deceased. One of the most important books in this series, this volume covers the years that precede the last of the Hamilton County Courthouse fires in 1884.
Price: $43.00
Another important book in this series because this volume covers the years that immediately precede the last of the Hamilton County Courthouse fires in 1884.
Price: $43.00
There are 17,383 entries in this index. This index contains information on how to obtain copies of the original records, the ethnicity and religious affiliations of those interred in specific cemeteries, location of the correct cemetery in Cincinnati, Hamilton, Butler, and Clermont Counties, Ohio and Northern Kentucky. Also included are burial statistics relating to the nativity of the deceased.
Price: $39.00
This index is particularly helpful to researchers as it supplements the destroyed 1890 Federal Census.
Price: $32.50
More than 40 types of records were found in the indexed early deed books–from agreements to wills. Three books were indexed and cross-referenced for every name found in each document. More than 7,600 entries are indexed. If given, the individual’s place of origin is listed. Although most of the records were recorded between 1801 and 1820, some documents actually go back as far as 1788.
Price: $22.50

Jim LaBarbara, dubbed "The Music Professor," a name given to him when he worked in Cincinnati with WLW, WCKY, WSAI, and WGRR FM, among others. The moniker became prophetic as he earned a master's degree in broadcasting and taught as an adjunct professor at the University of Cincinnati. A respected musicologist on early rock and roll, he was named one of the "Top 40 Radio Personalities of All Time," is listed in the Rock Jock Hall of Fame, and was inducted into the Radio/Television/Broadcasters Hall of Fame in Akron, Ohio. Working throughout the years under the names of Jimmy Holiday in Meadville, Titusville, and DuBois, Pennsylvania, and J. Bentley Starr in Erie, Pennsylvania, he began using his real name on WKYC and WIXY in Cleveland and Denver.


Jim shares his honest firsthand account of his experience during a dynamic and sometimes turbulent life on and off the radio. He was there when the controversy of playing music performed by black artists was coming to an end, and was later innocently thrust in the middle of the payola scandals. When Jim LaBarbara did his first radio show in 1959 he couldn't have imagined it would lead to a Hall of Fame career that spanned more than fifty years; one where he would work on some of the country's most powerful stations. There have been a couple of "Guardian Angels" in his life and a "Hell's Angel" who saved his life.


For those who grew up in the '50s and the baby boomer generation, along with others interested in pop culture, this story will transport you back to the beginning of rock music. Jim was with the Supremes, the Beatles, and the Rolling Stones. He interviewed hundreds of entertainers including Bill Haley, Jackie Wilson, Chuck Berry, Little Richard, James Brown, Ray Charles, Jerry Lee Lewis, Neil Diamond, John Denver, and others. It is with the help of these interviews that he tells his own story and in so doing gives a unique perspective of the history of rock 'n' roll.

 Click here for an index

Price: $12.95
This book will give you a glimpse into the life of the man born more than 200 years ago in Germany who changed the way the world looked at bridge building and will leave you with a greater appreciation of the Roebling Suspension Bridge and John A. Roebling himself. The reader will learn about the transformation of the John A. Roebling Suspension Bridge on the Ohio River—the prototype for the more famous Brooklyn Bridge in New York.
Price: $16.95
This third book in the history of beer barons in the Cincinnati, Ohio, area tells the story of one of the area's largest breweries. Located in the West End, on the other side of the Miami-Erie Canal bordering the Over-the-Rhine district, the Hauck Brewery was described as a castle, and its president as a "self-made man," and a beer baron. In addition to producing high quality brews, Hauck was president of the German National Bank and, for a time, an owner of the Cincinnati Reds. Well known for philanthropy, Hauck made a lasting contribution to the area by saving the Cincinnati Zoo from financial ruin. His son, Louis J. Hauck, ran the brewery until it closed as a result of Prohibition. However its reputation, and that of its founding father, acquired legendary status in the annals of Cincinnati's brewing heritage, as demonstrated by Hauck's induction into the Beer Baron Hall of Fame and Greater Cincinnati's Business Hall of Fame, showing that his legacy is alive and well as one of Cincinnati's foremost beer barons.
Price: $22.50
George Butler Turner was born in New London, Connecticut, in 1840 and immigrated to Ohio with his family. He graduated at the top of his class from Marietta College, an extension of the Muskingum Academy founded in 1797, the first school of higher learning in the Northwest Territory. Turner enlisted in the 92nd OVI. He wrote with clarity and detail of his individual actions, daily events, military objectives, and geography of the land. The ninety-eight letters revealed in this publication will take you through his military career as he fought in three major battles--Chickamauga, Chattanooga, and Missionary Ridge.
Price: $25.00

When Ed Mechenbier retired from the U.S. Air Force Reserve in June 2004, he held the distinction of being the oldest former Vietnamese POW and Air Force general still in uniform on flying status.

One of eight children made attending college financially difficult. When his father bet him $5 that he could get an appointment to the Air Force Academy, Ed accepted the challenge. That decision set the course for a career that lasted forty years.

During those years, Ed went from being a high-spirited fighter pilot full of hopes and dreams to a prisoner of war, held in the infamous Hanoi Hilton. He lived through hell at the merciless hands of prison guards and tortuous interrogators, but never lost his sense of humor or duty to his country. Life on a $5 Bet tells how he survived those dark days and went on to become a general officer by holding to values learned at the Academy: Integrity First, Service Before Self, and Excellence in All We Do.

Ed gives the reader a glimpse into his zany life as a test pilot, lobbyist, squadron commander, spy, member of the Reserve Forces Policy Board, golfer, syndicated television air show commentator, sales engineer with major aircraft companies, devoted family man, and pilot of the C-141, dubbed the Hanoi Taxi on a repatriation flight to Vietnam in 2004.

And, oh yes, he is still the world's greatest fighter pilot.

Price: $62.00
This book is particularly valuable to researchers as the years included are those leading up to the 1884 Courthouse fire. The records used for this index are meant to supplement the records used in the Restored Marriage Records series by Jeffrey G. Herbert, whose records came primarily from newspapers and churches. In addition, a list of justices of the peace is included as well as an extensive list of ministers, priests, rabbis, elders, mayors, or others who performed marriages in this county during this time period, along with their location and/or church affiliation. Information is included that will help the researcher obtain copies of the original documents.
Price: $75.00
More than 37,000 names are recorded in more than 18,500 marriages indexed in this book. The index includes the names of the grooms, brides, date of marriage, officiant, and volume and entry number of the entry to make it easier to locate the original document. These volumes are the first to records the original records beginning after the last courthouse fire in Cincinnati in 1884.
Price: $75.00
This publication is a continuation of the marriage index series outlined above and contains more than 32,000 names recorded for 16,145 marriages that took place during this time period.
Price: $15.95
This history covers German-American immigration from the 19th century through its continued impact on the present. It explores the early German history of Missouri through the translated and edited writing of Gustav Koerner, learn about the German pioneers Gottfried Duden and Friedrich Muench through the writings of Dorris Keeven Franke and Siegmar Muehl, and read the words to the Catawba Wine Song and Wine Song by Friedrich Muench.
Price: $16.95
Clermont is French for "clear mountain" and this publication represents twenty-five years of the author's meandering along the byways of Clermont County's fascinating history. It is meant to be a collection of stories that interested the author and that he felt would interest the reader. From the prehistory of the county through the county's two hundred years of immigration, disasters, notoriety, wars, antislavery endeavors, agriculture and manufacturing, as well as a potpourri of miscellaneous stories, you will be unable to put this book down.
Price: $14.95

My Living Memories Project Journal is an inspirational, interactive, and comforting workbook designed to help readers keep alive the memories and legacies of loved ones. A companion to the award-winning book, The Living Memories Project: Legacies That Last, it empowers and inspires readers to transcend grief with a simple message. By remembering the lives and legacies of loved ones, we can take concrete steps to heal ourselves. By remembering and celebrating how they lived--rather than how they died--we can enhance our resilience, compassion, and creativity, and renew our desire to live happy, productive, and meaningful lives.

The journal features soothing artwork, as well as inspiring and comforting quotes from the original book and other sources. Interactive questions and activities are designed to trigger reflections and writing activities that will keep the memories of loved ones alive. The book is an appropriate gift for those who are missing loved ones. It has also been recognized by professionals as a valuable tool to console and help the bereaved move forward after loss.

Meryl Ain, Ed.D., The Comfort Coach, inspires people to transcend their losses by keeping alive the memories, passions, values and legacies of those they have lost. She helps to promote healing by providing professionals, organizations, and individuals with the tools to foster optimistic thinking, positive projects, and resilience. A former teacher and school administrator, her articles have appeared in The Huffington Post, MariaShriver.com, The New York Jewish Week, The New York Times, and Newsday.

Learn more about Meryl Ain and the Living Memories Project



Twitter: @livmemoriesproj @DrMerylAin

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